
分享人:OBEE 联合发起人 SingHwang



Hello everyone, I am very glad to be invited to participate in the NULS 3rd Anniversary Cloud Summit today.

Obee Network从开始完成一些基本开发以后,就进入NULS POCM平台,并开启质押挖矿。NULS平台我一直感觉也是不错的孵化平台,其中首创的POCM合约质挖矿,感觉也是很好的创新,NULS也一直是我们很不错的伙伴,我们一直也感谢NULS社区朋友的支持和帮助。

After completing some basic development, Obee Network entered the NULS POCM platform and started pledge mining. I have always felt that the NULS platform is also a good incubation platform. Among them, the first POCM contract mining is also a very good innovation. NULS has always been our very good partner. We have always thanked the NULS community friends for their support and help.

Obee Network是以内容社交为核心的项目,整个发展中也是比较稳扎稳打的,很多朋友也许会认为社交并不是一个很好的发展点,或者前景不大,但是我们并不局限内容社交,我们以社交为基础,开展更多服务,在Obee Network平台上也会为大家展示更多概念。

Obee Network is a project with content socialization as the core. The entire development is relatively stable and stable. Many friends may think that socialization is not a good development point, or the prospects are not great, but we are not limited to content socialization. We use social networking As a foundation, we will develop more services and show you more concepts on the Obee Network platform.

Obee Network希望做的事情也的确和最初定位一样,致力于普通用户进入区块链的第一款社交产品。目前,Obee Network经过前期四个多月的宣传,我们也完成了一部分蓝图,我们的产品目前也拥有了很多国家的朋友使用,经济模式的设计也完全按照OBEE激励公式进行了设计。

What Obee Network hopes to do is indeed the same as its original positioning, dedicated to the first social product for ordinary users to enter the blockchain. At present, after more than four months of publicity for Obee Network, we have also completed a part of the blueprint. Our products are currently used by friends in many countries, and the design of the economic model is completely designed in accordance with the OBEE incentive formula.

这里我分别对Obee Network的发展进行回顾展望,与大家分享一下。

Here I will review the development of Obee Network and share with you.

我们从2020年5月时候,正式进行市场的宣传,其中国内社区分别于Comunion Dao等社区进行5场AMA宣传,参与一场云峰会,联合牛币圈和Fanbi举行两次社区活动,国外社区进行3场ama宣传,这些活动反响也还可以,我们通过活动也建立了不错的社区。感兴趣朋友都可以使用我们产品或者进入我们国内外社群进行交流。

We have formally promoted the market from May 2020. The domestic communities carried out 5 AMA promotions in Comunion Dao and other communities, participated in a cloud summit, and held two community activities in conjunction with Niubiquan and Fanbi, and foreign communities carried out There were 3 ama publicity campaigns, and the response to these activities was not bad. We also built a good community through the activities. Interested friends can use our products or enter our domestic and foreign communities to communicate.

Obee Netwok产品上,目前我们的web端,Android APP也都已经面世可供大家使用,大家也可以参与平台的贡献挖矿。如果在Obee Network上发表自己的文章和评论都可以相对应贡献值的奖励,这个也是Obee Network产品的一个核心特点,通过不同贡献方式,将收益回归给用户。

On Obee Netwok products, currently our web and Android APP are also available for everyone to use, and everyone can participate in the platform’s contribution mining. If you publish your own articles and comments on Obee Network, you can be rewarded corresponding to the contribution value. This is also a core feature of Obee Network products. Through different contribution methods, the benefits are returned to users.

并且,现在POCM上收益的OBEE可以通过Obee Network映射,最近也将开通nervedex上的映射桥接,方便用户交换不同性质的OBEE。

In addition, the OBEE earned on the POCM can be mapped through the Obee Network. Recently, the mapping bridge on the neurovedex will be opened to facilitate users to exchange different types of OBEE.

在市场上而言,我们的OBEE也是有落地的。在Obee Network上购买会员,将按照权重比给予会员用户会员标准的贡献收益。现在我们平台上的区块链行业用户,非区块链行业用户,国内用户,国外用户都是很多。

In the market, our OBEE also has a landing. Buying a member on Obee Network will give the member user the member’s standard contribution income according to the weight ratio. Now there are many blockchain industry users, non-blockchain industry users, domestic users, and foreign users on our platform.

我们广告服务也已经打开,允许任何用户通过消耗OBEE发布广告,推广自己的活动产品,并且目前我们也支持在Obee Network平台上通过OBEE的募集打赏。

Our advertising service has also been opened, allowing any user to post advertisements by consuming OBEE, promote their own event products, and At present, we also support to raise rewards through OBEE on the Obee Network platform.

我们在以后的规划中,产品层面上将计划添加Obee Network的更多玩法,例如专栏创建会消耗一定OBEE,在平台社群功能中会有更多创新,奖励活跃社群这些。市场方面,我们最近在主打海外市场,目前也已经建立阿拉伯,越南,印度尼西亚当地社群,计划进一步扩大社群的建设。

In our future planning, we plan to add more Obee Network gameplay at the product level. For example, column creation will consume a certain amount of OBEE, and there will be more innovations in platform community functions to reward active communities. In terms of market, we have recently focused on overseas markets. We have established local communities in Arabia, Vietnam, and Indonesia, and plan to further expand the construction of communities.

OBEE作为Obee Network上的流动性资产,我们为了增加贡献价值奖励,目前也在Uniswap创建OBEE池子,最近也会在其他交易所或者平台上去展现OBEE价值。

OBEE is a liquid asset on the Obee Network. In order to increase contribution value rewards, we are currently also creating an OBEE pool at Uniswap. Recently, we will also show the value of OBEE on other exchanges or platforms.

这个是Obee Network发展中的一些总结还有未来计划,今天也有幸向大家介绍这些。在NULS三周年庆的时候能和大家分享这些,也感谢NULS生态的帮助和支持,NULS是很有潜力项目,希望NULS被越来越好,社区越来越大,同时,Obee Network也将是NULS很好伙伴,给予NULS力量支持,祝福越来越好,我们为NULS打call。

This is a summary of the development of Obee Network and future plans, and I have the honor to introduce these to you today. I can share this with you at the third anniversary of NULS, and I am also grateful for the help and support of the NULS ecosystem. NULS is a very promising project. I hope that NULS will get better and better and the community will grow larger. At the same time, Obee Network will also NULS is a very good partner, giving NULS strength and support, blessings are getting better and better, we call for NULS.